Gary Duncan for Washington & Sunderland West

Phone – 07881656064
Email –
Facebook – Gary Duncan for Washington and Sunderland West
Twitter – @TUSCTyneWear

Tim Wall for North Tyneside

Tim Wall for North Tyneside
Tim Wall for North Tyneside

Email –

Facebook –

Twitter – and

Meet your candidate!

Meet the TUSC  parliamentary candidate Tim Wall
Sat 18 April, 11am-1pm
Wallsend Forum (near The Anson pub) Station Road Wallsend

Public meeting:
Wednesday 22 April, 7pm
The Anson, Station Road,  Wallsend
Speaker: Tim Wall, TUSC parliamentary candidate,  North Tyneside

Paul Phillips for Newcastle East

Facebook – Paul Phillips for Newcastle East MP
t: on Twitter follow @Paul_Phillips_

Meet your candidate!

April 18 – Shields Road, Byker.  Stall near Morrisons 12pm

Pre-election rally, Tuesday 5th May 7.30pm, Corner House Hotel, Heaton Road, NE6 5RP

Norman Hall for Jarrow

Norman Hall for Jarrow
Norman Hall for Jarrow

email –

Facebook – norman4jarrow

Twitter – TUSCTyneWear

Meet your candidate!

Saturday 18 April 11:30 am to 1pm WestStreet Gateshead.  Trinity Sq. Entrance

Sunday  12 noon to 2pm Viking Centre Jarrow by Morrison’s

Sunday 19 April 7:30pm Hustings organised by Churches Together at St Matthew’s RC Church Hall, York Avenue, Jarrow

Alan Docherty for Darlington

Alan Docherty for Darlington
Alan Docherty for Darlington

Email –

 Meet your candidate!

Saturday 18th

Stall on High Row, Darlington town centre from 11.30 am to 2pm.

There will be a stall here every Saturday until the election.


Sunday  19th leafleting. Meet at Crown Street Library ay 1pm.


Election Meeting

Tuesday 5th May at 7.30pm, The Meeting Room, Dolphin Centre, Horse Market, DL1 5RP